References of tecrisk GmbH


¥   University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, GERMANY (2009-2016)

¥   Robert Koch Institute, Berlin GERMANY (2005-2015)

¥   Planetary Protection Research ESA, A statistical study (2012-2013)

¥   Swiss National High Containment Facility, SWITZERLAND (1999-2013)

¥   MARS Sample Return Facility, design study and risk analysis for ESA (2009-2011)

¥   Boehringer Ingelheim, Vaccine Research Facility, Hannover GERMANY (2007-2010)

¥   Friedrich Loeffler Institute on Island of Riems, GERMANY (2005-2012)

¥   University Hospital Berne, Clinical Research (2010)

¥   Proton Cyclotron at Insel Hospital Berne, risk analysis, SWITZERLAND (2008-2009)

¥   Recommendation of Implementing Gene Technology Law in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, MALYSIA (2007)

¥   Animal Health Institute, Pirbright UK (2006- 2007)

¥   Propagation of Aerosol bound Contaminations, theory and computer code, CUH2A & Smith and Carter, USA (2007)

¥   Critical Technology Plan on Containment Technology, Public Health Agency of Canada, CANADA (2006)

¥   FMD Laboratory in Novi Sad SERBIA- MONTENEGRO (2005)

¥   FMD Laboratory in Vienna, AUSTRIA (2004-2006)

¥   Environmental Impact Study of National High Containment Laboratory, SWITZERLAND (2005)

¥   ABC Emergency Preparedness Planning, SWITZERLAND (2004-2005)

¥   Feasibility Study for a European Mars Sample Receiving Facility, ESA (2004)

¥   High Containment Laboratory at Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Anima in Barcelona, SPAIN (2003-2005)

¥   High Containment Laboratory for I.D.A.H. in Bukarest, ROMANIA, (2003)

¥   Risk analysis of a glove box laboratory, SWITZERLAND, (2003)

¥  DAXpert, an expert system for the Assessment of Dual Use Biotechnological Installations, SWITZERLAND, (2003)

¥  Technical-scientific proposal for a Technical Guidance for high containment laboratories, SWITZERLAND (2003)

¥   A safety pre-analysis for a National High Containment, SWITZERLAND (2003)

¥   Feasibility study for a National High Security Laboratory, SWITZERLAND (2002)

¥  Risk Analysis of the National Reference Centre for Haemorrhagic Fever Virus, SWITZERLAND (2001)

¥   Consultation for the Promotion of the Biotechnology Industry, SWITZERLAND (2001)

¥   A National Competence Centre against Bioterror, a study, SWITZERLAND (2001)

¥   Concept for an expert system for the assessment of dual use of biotechnology facilities,  SWITZERLAND (2001)

¥   Biosafety consultation for Novartis, Basel, SWITZERLAND (2001)

¥   FMD Regional Reference Laboratory in Pak Chong, THAILAND (2000)

¥   Decontamination Methods in Tuberculosis Laboratories, Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (2000)

¥   High Containment Laboratories BSL-4 in Canada and USA, a study (1999)

¥   Planning study for a National BSL-4 Laboratory, SWITZERLAND (1999)

¥   Feasibility study for a National BSL-4 Laboratory, SWITZERLAND (1999)

¥   BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Zurich, Veterinary Faculty, SWITZERLAND (1999)

¥   Risk Analysis: Antibiotics in Animal Production, Swiss Veterinary Office, SWITZERLAND (1999)

¥   Consultancy for the BSL-3 facility at the University of Barcelona, SPAIN (1998)

¥   BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Zurich, Veterinary Faculty, SWITZERLAND (1997)

¥   BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Berne, Medical Faculty, SWITZERLAND (1997)

¥   BSL-3 Laboratory at University of Berne, Veterinary Faculty, SWITZERLAND (1997)

¥   Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Bhopal, INDIA (1995)

¥   Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Bangalore, INDIA (1995)

¥   Institute of Virology and Immunology in Budapest, HUNGARY (1994)

¥   Veterinary Research Institute in Anyang, KOREA (1992)

¥   Head of Biosafety at the Institute of Virology and Immune Prophylaxis (1991-2002)